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About Us

The Name:

With Divine Providence, the Founding Fathers built America to be the greatest country on Earth. It's been that way ever since, but like a building, America has fallen into a state of disrepair. The time has come for America to undergo a Great Renovation, through which foundational principles of freedom will be reinforced, structural flaws that have led to tyranny will be corrected, and even some new patriotic adornments will be added.

When the dust settles, America will once again be the impressive structure of liberty it was designed to be.

Who We Are:

We're Patriotic Americans. We cherish our Faith, Family, Freedom. We believe in Founding Principles, America First Principles, MAGA Principles...because they're all the same! We are intellectual populists; we recognize the need for both the ideas and the people. We love America, and with G-d's help, we SHALL save it!

How We're Going to Do It:

If the Founding Fathers could do it, we can, too. We just need to copy them. Obviously, we should not copy them exactly--lest our descendants wind up with our current, sorry situation, 250 years from now. For the most part, though, we should try to retrace the Founding Fathers' steps.

Those steps include:

1. Educating the American People on Freedom, Natural Rights, and Patriotism

2. Boycotting anti-American Orgs./Companies through a modern-day "Continental Association"

3. Arming as many Americans as possible with at least a rifle and adequate ammunition

4. Organizing modern-day local "committees of safety" and "committees of correspondence", meeting regularly to ensure physical and mental preparedness

5. Creating modern-day state "Provincial Congresses", made up of Patriotic American legislators

6. Uniting in a modern-day national "Continental Congress", loyal to the American cause

7. Determine how America was created, how it went sour, and how to ensure it does not sour again

8. Reduce/Eliminate State Dependence on the Federal Government

9. Nullify unconstitutional and anti-American "laws" and "regulations"

10. When we are ready enough on the local, state, and national level, it will be go time.

(11. Almost forgot: We are going to do all this as peacefully and patriotically as possible...

and we're going to have fun doing it!)

To join us and others as we take the above steps,

please subscribe and visit our "Projects" and "Orgs. We Support" Pages.

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